jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018


I would like to visit India. Because, I consider the country is very beautiful and mistic.

The temples and the clothes seem fantastic, I think the people have a lot to say about culture and lifestyle, for example, the conecction with the animals,  nature and Gods. I would like to know more about symbols and meanings of the religión. The Ganesha, godo g wisdom and the topic of reincarnation seems really interesting to me.

Although I feel deep admiration for the Indian culture, i would not like to live in that country because I wanted to live near my family.

If I had the money to travel, I would invite my boyfriend, because he really enjoys the myths and stories related to past lives and he is artist, that's why I think Indian culture would be a great source of inspiration to draw.
Finally, I would like see indian movies. I have Heard a lot about the “Bollywood” and the movie industry.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi, I agree that India is a mystical country. It must be very interesting to be able to know much more about a culture that is completely different from ours.



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